Sunday, August 31, 2008

1 year Anniversary from Lapband

Today is my sorta new birthday(bandiversary) I was given new life and outlook. I reflect back to where I was and where I am today. I no longer need oxygen 24/7 unless I have a real bad episode of shortness of breath which I am now because of a lung infection but that too will pass.

I no longer need a walker to assist me around the house, and out and about. I was hoping to be at a 100 lb loss but 90 lbs is a good start for the first year and hope another year another 90 lbs. I am still fat but not as fat but I will prevail and become lighter and hopefully more healthy

Its been a wonderful journey so far.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Things are fine

I saw my surgeon for my yearly check which is a few weeks shy of 1 year will be 1 year August 31, I have 10 lbs to go to achieve my 100 lbs lost, and I am struggling. I am losing inches right now but not weight grrrrrrrrrrrr.

I will take it though, I have gone from a size 30/32 to size 22/24 and that in itself is an accomplishment. I love going to stores and shop now and not be afraid to try on clothes. My breathing has improved and taken pressure of both heart and lungs. I still have to take breathing treatments 4 times a day but that is basically for the asthma and alpha 1 lung diease, but I am only on oxygen 12 hours vs 24 hours now. My lung capacity has not worsened thats a good thing, course I will never get the 30% loss back because this diease is a herditary diease but we have gotten it early and treating it thank the good lord for that miracle.

Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend

Saturday, August 9, 2008

updated pics down 90 lbs

Its been a while I know

Things are hectic around my home these days and blogging has not been an option. I and hubby have been playing taxi cab driver back and forth to school taking the 2 older grandson's to football practice. I will have 1 playing Highschool football and 1 playing 8th grade football.

Well I saw the surgeon Monday August fourth and I am now down 90 lbs yippee I am 10 lbs away from my bandaversary and hoping to hit that 100 mark by August 31st.